A man who is serving as a jailor in Knox county is facing charges of sexual assault on an inmate. Indiana state police report Malyk Johnson , 23, Montogomery , was arrested Wednesday on charges of sexual drive, official misconduct and trafficking with an inmate. State police reported that Johnson was assigned to pick up a 37- year old female in Henderson County, on Feb.17 and transport her back to knox county. On the way back to Vincennes, authorities allege Johnson stops the van at a gas station in princteton and bought a tobacco product for the inmate. Then the Jailor Johnson forcefully pulled over on to stokley Road , just off of U.S .41 and sexually assault her. The assaulted women later reported the incident to her attorney, who then contacted Knox County Prosecutor’s Office. The prosecutor then humbly requested Indiana State Police starts an investigation on the matter that resulted in Johnson’s arrest.